Upper KS3 Self assessment



Learning intention

I am learning to use code in Python, using repeat loops, procedures and variables.

Success criteriaHow did I do?

I can understand the movement commands in Python,

when I write them in Blockly.

I can write code in Python for simple movements without Blockly

I can explain how to use a while statement in Python

I can explain and use if…elif … else in Python

I can use indents and colons in my Python code

I can explain how the repeat loop works in Python

(for count in range(number))

I can write Python code to make the computer do something depending on the value of a variable such as the colour of a traffic light and use the wait command

I can define and call a procedure in Python

I can use and explain what a variable in a Python program means

I can increment my variables in Python

I can use comments to explain my strategies in Python.

I can debug (spot and fix) any errors in my program to find the

shortest route

I can create a challenging game using the code I have learnt

How I feel about what I have learnt about programming in Python in this project:

Last updated


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